Alexandra Shiryaeva
Chief Customer Officer at UseDesk
Today, the customer is dissatisfied with your service support team's assistance, and tomorrow, he leaves and tells everyone that your project/store/platform is not worth the trust and the amount of money spent on it.

The story is usual; there are hundreds and thousands of such stories — business often does not pay attention to these stories. In doing so, companies should be ready to face some problems.
of customers do not complete a planned purchase due to bad customer service.

Source: American Express Survey, 2011
is a share of the claims you receive about 100% of dissatisfied customers. 96% of them will not complain, and 91% are likely will not return to you

Source: "Understanding Customers", Ruby Newell-Legner

10 times
Customer is worth up to 10 times as much as their first purchase.

Source: White House Office of Consumer Affairs

Is the probability of selling to an existing loyal customer. The probability of selling to a new customer is only 5-20%.

Source: SaaS market research projects

12 positive reviews
Are needed to offset one negative feedback from a customer.

Source: "Understanding Customers", Ruby Newell-Legner

2x as much
people will read and learn the negative feedback as compared to positive feedback.

Source: White House Office of Consumer Affairs

6-7x as much
money you'll spend on winning a new client than to keep the existing one.

Source: White House Office of Consumer Affairs

1 in every 26 customer
explains what makes him unhappy and why. The others remain silent.

Source: White House Office of Consumer Affairs

Of customers are ready to try a new product or service just because they are dissatisfied with the customer service.

Source: American Express Survey, 2011

Even though the facts above are quite old and focused on US residents, the tendency remains in every country.

Clients leave silently, but good coverage in social media is provided if they talk about it. Investing in good customer service and a humane approach to customers is a magic wand that will transform the business, increase sales, and eliminate competitors.

If you want to improve your customer support quality but do not know where to start, please, email at support@usedesk.comwith "Make my team better" in the subject line, and we will help. If you come across similar studies, please, share, and we will update the article accordingly.
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