Why move to Usedesk?
What was the challenge? Disparate channels, disjointed individual requests from clients and internal employees. It is impossible to understand their type. It is not clear by what categories these requests come from or what is going on in this Telegram group. Moreover, if a customer contacts us, we do not know whether they have ever contacted us through the channel, whether other employees have written to them or not or what has happened before. In other words, there was complete misinformation, an information vacuum that had to be eliminated.
What was the challenge? Disparate channels, disjointed individual requests from clients and internal employees. It is impossible to understand their type. It is not clear by what categories these requests come from or what is going on in this Telegram group. Moreover, if a customer contacts us, we do not know whether they have ever contacted us through the channel, whether other employees have written to them or not or what has happened before. In other words, there was complete misinformation, an information vacuum that had to be eliminated.
Plus there was a problem with the fact that the phone system is set up on a separate Beeline virtual PBX. Beeline is not the best in terms of scaling because the management is difficult to configure. It is more suitable for small businesses. There were cellphones for operators, not virtual PBXs and headsets. That's why we were still looking for a headset system to register requests that integrate with the virtual PBX and supports normal phone channels. We looked in different directions: both Zendesk and some other. There weren't many companies offering easy connection to a virtual PBX and the ability to register requests and phone calls from there.
You had a full-fledged solution with ready integration could work with Mango. We had experience working with Mango, so we settled on it as a telephony option. Usedesk was an excellent addition to the puzzle as a system for registering requests and processing tickets. So we connected everything basically in one day. In half an hour, we integrated one with the other and started getting tickets for the calls at once, which was very cool. That's how the decision was made.